Tuesday, July 17, 2012

going home today

 "I have stopped short of calling it a conference, because there are no sermons and worship comes as a flow on from teenagers starting to connect with Gods Story in their lives.

To say it was awesome is an understatement. 

In the 20 years I have been in ministry, I have not seen teenagers connecting with God’s Story for their lives like this before and I would need far more time that I have now to explain more. But be assured that Immerse NSW is well and truly on our hearts ..." 

After packing my bag and getting ready to catch a movie with my Perth nieces and nephews, I sit and reflect on the last 11 days in WA.

I've been encouraged by many things while over here - seeing old friends; preaching at Woodvale Baptist Church; finishing well with a great team from SA and NSW; being hosted so well by our immersewest friends.

Young people's stories are what really stand out though:

... the 16 year old girl who struggles with what others think and recognises that "the cross takes all the other stuff (meaning her insecurities) away"

... the 17 year old guy who apologises to me after a group response time for not saying anything because "God called me to, and I disobeyed"

... the 15 year old girl who had a particularly difficult time at one point of the week and said in her feedback form: "God is saying to me: 'release and believe in me. Forget the past and find peace in me.'"

Behind all of these interchanges are stories of people.  Young people who have their futures ahead of them.  Young people whom God is writing into His story.

The highlight will definitely be walking through the front door tonight though.  Pix and the boys have  experienced God's sustaining power while I've been away, but it will be good to be home.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the bible in colour

Today at immersewest, we had a film crew sent by the Bible Society as part of them developing a bank of ideas for Bible engagement.

In the process of piecing some footage together for an insight into immerse, we interviewed four immersewest participants. One of the questions we asked was, "in what way has immerse changed or challenged the way you engage with the Bible?"

All four shared some really great responses, but the one that stood out to me was, "it's like the Bible is in colour now, when I read the Bible now it feels like a picture book."

This is a massive win for me, I'm really glad to be a part of something that initiates this kind of response.