Friday, July 14, 2017

JULY 2017 (mini-update)

We hope you're keeping well mid-way through 2017.  The one constant for us over the last couple of months has been CHANGE!!  

We have three things for you to pray for as we head into the next half of this year ...

As of the the 25th of June, the good people at Happy Valley Baptist Church said "yes" to Junktion renting out their unused chapel.  We are currently finalising the details of a 12 month agreement for AccessTheStory to rent this space for the purposes of Junktion and our office facilities.
Join us in giving thanks to God for the provision of this space, and keep your ear to the ground for an official re-opening of Junktion in the next couple of months!

VERGE 2017

"It is like I have been put into a time machine." - Neil, Cebu, Philippines. We have just concluded our first ever 4 day VERGE story experience, and the way in which participants experienced the story of God has been nothing short of inspiring.
Neil (who's comment is above) is an ex-drug addict, now team member at the drug rehab centre, "House of Hope" in Cebu - Philippines.  He and 10 other visitors from Cebu have just returned home after having visited Adelaide for two weeks.  Both of the ministries represented at VERGE are now exploring how they can see VERGE happen in their home context.

Back in 2011, we were very grateful for the provision of a reliable car for the size of our family at the time - and we are also grateful to have been able to afford to maintain the vehicle over that time.
The Kia has since been a great workhorse for some of our interstate travel, and for numerous loads of goods for Junktion over those years.  
On returning home from VERGE camp this week, the oil light unexpectedly reared it's ugly face, and a visit to the mechanic revealed the problem was terminal.
Please pray with us for discernment as to whether we invest $5000-$6000 in fitting a second-hand engine, or we look at other options.