Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"10 years ago ..."

After seven weeks of Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with between 6 and 15 primary school students - running games, prepping afternoon tea, and telling stories - it was clear that God is at work in this school.

Our ASAP (After School Activity Program) team have consistently served the school, without any overt "Christian content" - we've simply been turning up and meeting a need.  Trusting that God is already at work because He opened up the opportunity.  And it is true - He is working.

On the last week of the program, a Mum came up to me and said, "I used to go to your church 10 years ago.  My 6 year old son would call himself a Christian, but my partner doesn't like us going to church."

I listened and then pointed out that two of our team run the kids program at our church, and should her circumstances change, she'd be welcome to bring her son along.

A week later, I also received word that the principal was asking another member of the governing council about what drives us to come and serve the school in this way - He, a Christian, was able to share that our motivation was to serve people as Jesus served people.  This was an exciting outcome for this person to be able to have a gospel conversation.

Amongst the lessons learned over the last seven weeks, the stand out for me is that God is already at work in people's lives, and sometimes it's just a matter of us turning up to discover how that's true.

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